Fujitsu Receives Order for Fastest Japanese Supercomputer

Fujitsu announced today that it has received an order from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency [JAEA] for a new supercomputer which will be the most powerful in Japan when it arrives in 2010.  The new system will be comprised of 2,157 PRIMERGY BX900 blade servers that will make over 200TFlops of peak horsepower.

Until now, the JAEA has utilized two supercomputer systems: a shared system (theoretical peak performance of 13 teraflops), and a system for use in its fast breeder reactor project (2.4 teraflops). The agency’s need to process massive amounts of data has placed a heavy burden on both systems, resulting in an urgent need for the upgrade. In response, the decision has been made to introduce a new system that combines the functions of the two existing systems and can handle the massive computational demands of nuclear fusion simulations and other atomic energy research.

The new system will be used for a variety of simulations involved in nuclear plant development, including studies on fusion and fast breeder reactors, as well as assessing nuclear facilities’ earthquake resistance. It is expected to contribute to the achievement of safer atomic energy and help address the problem of global warming.

The new system is destined for operation in March of 2010.  For more info, read the full release here.