Archives for July 2009

HPC models threat from terrorist attacks on hazardous materials shipments

Found at HPCwire Approximately 800,000 shipments of hazardous materials move daily through the U.S. transportation system and approximately one truck in five on U.S. highways is carrying some form of hazmat. While the safety record is excellent, public sensitivity to the risks associated with hazmat shipments is substantial. …Nozick and Dadkar’s game-theoretic model simulates the […]

Rocks Releases Service Pack Roll Version 5.2.1

The Rocks Cluster Toolkit developers have announced the release of the latest service pack update to the toolkit.  Bug fixes include [but are not limited to]: Area51 Roll Tripwire package is now included Tripwire reports are now correctly generated Tripwire email address is now correctly read from the database Base Roll Fixes the greceptor bug […]

Mob supercomputing

This isn’t news. In fact, since it happened in 2004, its the opposite of news. But I was intrigued by the idea of a “flash mob” computing event that was organized way back then and discussed last week in this blog post Similar to cloud computing, there is another concept called “Flash Mob Computing”. As […]

UT Undergrads Get to Touch Kraken

A group of undergraduate students from the University of Tennessee got some hands on experience with the monster Kraken supercomputer.  The opportunity was made possibly by the Joint Institute for Computational Science.  Roughly thirty students in the data structures and algorithm analysis class offered through the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science were required […]

Cisco cuts 600 to 700 jobs

According to MarketWatch last week Cisco is cutting between 600 and 700 jobs at its headquarters The company released a statement acknowledging the cuts, saying “this limited restructuring is part of our ongoing, targeted realignment of resources and was previously discussed on our fiscal second- and third-quarter 2009 earnings calls.” True, but at the time […]

CilkArts Multicore Programming Lecture Series Videos

CilkArts has posted videos from their recent series of lectures detailing the various methodologies behind multicore programming.  They’ve even posted the slide decks! Lecture 1: The multicore programming challenge Shared-memory hardware Leading concurrency platforms (Pthreads, OpenMP, TBB, Cilk++) Race conditions Lecture 2: What is Parallelism? Scheduling Theory Cilk++ Runtime System A Chess Lesson Lecture 3: […]

New supercomputing and visualization jobs on the insideHPC Job Board

If you’re not keeping a regular eye on the insideHPC Job Board you might have missed all the new positions that have been added recently, including slots for computational scientists in forces modeling, integrated modeling and test, environmental quality modeling, climate/weather/ocean simulation. Also recently added are positions in software development for HPC and visualization. For […]

Purdue Builds Big Ten's Biggest Super, Again

Purdue has announced that has, yet again, build the Big Ten’s biggest supercomputer.  Once again, they did it in one day.  The new machine, named “Coates”, is comprised of 1,280 dual socket, quad core AMD nodes from HP.  Also of note, they’re using 10 gigabit ethernet from Chelsio and Cisco for the communication fabric. Building […]

Benchmarking comes to clouds

Some of you may be interested in this article I wrote for HPCwire last week about benchmarking the performance of cloud — and particularly scientific computing — performance It was inevitable that with all the hype and marketing dollars directed at cloud computing these days that someone would eventually start trying to use them for […]

Google running Belgian datacenter without chillers

According to an article by Rich Miller over at Data Center Knowledge Google has opened a datacenter in Belgium that runs without chillers. We talk to datacenter managers in HPC who are doing this part of the time (basically when weather permits or in parts of the world that are habitually cool) in our Green […]