Liquid Computing sheds staff

Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Register has a story today about Liquid Computing shedding staff as it tries to remain viable. Liquid is a company that we kept an eye on for a while, until we lost the bubble on them when they dumped their proprietary interconnect in 2008 and switched to Ethernet in a move that shifted them away from the HPC market. From coverage at the time

According to Keith Miller, vice president of product management at the company, a proprietary architecture was suitable for the high performance computing customers that Liquid Computing was targeting. But if you want to run off-the-shelf Linux distros and Windows and sell to a broader market, you have to support some other networking scheme.

Apparently that move isn’t working out for them either.

The word on the street this week is that Liquid Computing, an upstart server maker that has rejiggered its product line a number of times to try to get some traction, has laid off some workers as it tightens its belt in these harsh economic times. Liquid Computing has just confirmed those rumors.

More in The Register piece, and more on the history of Liquid Computing in our archives.


  1. Marc Desjardins says

    These guys are done, maybe a super-star or two left to turn the lights out.
    What a roll senior management had, big pay checks, many pats on the back from each other while they stuff their pockets with useless shares.
    If there was any company set up for failure it was this one, almost seems like they were surprised by the market response, did these guys do any research as to what the market needed.
    And to the co founders or failures, as you think back as to how badly you treated the employees that did the work, good for you! Have another Gin on the rocks MK, you da D#$%!