Introducing Computer Engineer Barbie

That’s right kids, Jeff just sent us an email tip that Barbie’s next career has been announced, and we won:

Computer Engineer BarbieBut that’s not all! Consumers loudly campaigned for another Barbie career. The winner of the popular vote is Computer Engineer. Computer Engineer Barbie, debuting in Winter 2010, inspires a new generation of girls to explore this important high-tech industry, which continues to grow and need future female leaders.

“All the girls who imagine their futures through Barbie will learn that engineers — like girls — are free to explore infinite possibilities, limited only by their imagination,” says Nora Lin, President, Society of Women Engineers. “As a computer engineer, Barbie will show girls that women can turn their ideas into realities that have a direct and positive impact on people’s everyday lives in this exciting and rewarding career.”

I think this is tremendous; not sure about the look, but then I’m not the target audience

To create an authentic look, Barbie designers worked closely with the Society of Women Engineers and the National Academy of Engineering to develop the wardrobe and accessories for Computer Engineer Barbie. Wearing a binary code patterned tee and equipped with all the latest gadgets including a smart phone, Bluetooth headset, and laptop travel bag, Computer Engineer Barbie is geek chic.

You can preorder at, and check out the fact sheet.


  1. […] Continued here:  Introducing Computer Engineer Barbie | […]

  2. […] Introducing Computer Engineer Barbie ( […]

  3. […] Introducing Computer Engineer Barbie ( […]

  4. […] and much more helpful (I think) because its real world than Computer Engineer Barbie, even though she’s great too. Inspiring for me too; even though I’m a dude I’m […]


  1. I really don’t like Computer Engineer Barbie

  2. Great. A Barbie that motivates girls to go into engineering or the sciences is fantastic. What about making her look more realistic, very few real blonde, blue eyed women? Girls need to see women who look just like them to connect with them.

  3. The initiative taken for the concern is very serious and need an attention of every one. This is the concern which exists in the society and needs to be eliminated from the society as soon as possible. I like this particular article. It gives me an additional input on the information around the world Thanks a lot and keep going with posting such information.
    New Technology

  4. I guess this is great news for those kids who like barbie dolls.I wonder if this computer engineer for barbie has something about Virtualization Security too.Because I guess it should exist.