Deep Computing Virtual Convention Today

With all the trade shows going on this week, you folks at home might be feeling a little left out. No worries; today IBM launched a virtual tradeshow event for their Deep Computing platform and you can experience the whole thing on your web browser.

Virtual Convention Center for IBM Deep Computing

Virtual Convention Center for IBM Deep Computing

The virtual conference kicks off this morning with an 8:00 a.m. PDT keynote by Brian Conners, IBM VP of High Performance Computing. You can watch it live or come back and see the sessions and exhibits any time you want. And if IBM isn’t your thing, you could tune in to this GTC keynote by Klaus Schulten from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign today at 9:00 a.m. PDT.

Virtual conventions like this are convenient, but it seems to me that trade shows are all about networking and shaking hands. Streaming shows have one advantage, though: you can get the content you want without having to walk around with a dorky nylon shopping bag.


  1. […] was the one that didn’t get a press release. You have to forgive IBM, as they had a lot of Deep Things going on, I guess, but this is a big deal; Tesla M2070 GPUs are coming to BladeCenter. A Fermi […]