Community Forum on Parallel File Systems Oct. 28 at ETH Zurich

This week members of the hpc-ch community will meet at ETH Zurich for a Forum on Parallel File Systems for HPC.

With the growth of the computing capacity of HPC systems, the importance of a fast access to data storage is becoming essential. The traditional solution based on NFS is not able to sustain the increasing I/O requirements. In the last years HPC centers have consequently been introducing Parallel File Systems that allow an increasing number of clients to access data in a concurrent manner. Different proprietary and open source technologies appeared in the the last years, like Lustre, Panasas, PNFS, PVFS2, GPFS and many others. Thus the skills required for system administration and the overall performance of such file systems is solution and vendor dependent. Selecting the right parallel file system and managing it right is a key element to successfully run HPC systems.

Participants will also get to visit the data center of ETH Zurich hosting Brutus, one of the largest Swiss HPC systems.


  1. what is PWS2?

  2. There is one parallel file system that is easy to maintain and has the highest performance.
    Check for the FhGFS www.

  3. PWS2 is a typo, it should be PVFS2…