Podcast: China, Technology and US anxiety

Anthony Funnell

Anthony Funnell

In this podcast from Australia’s FutureTense program, host Anthony Funnell looks at why China’s technology advancements are viewed as a growing threat to US competitiveness.

Jack Dongarra: This isn’t really a race in terms of who has the fastest computer. It’s more a sign of who has the technology, and who is willing to invest in a certain technology. So in the US there’s been a consistent investment, and what we’ve seen recently from the Chinese – the Chinese understand back in the year 2001, had no supercomputers. That is on this list of the 500 fastest computers, there were none that were in China. None. Today, they’re making progress, they’re investing, they’re developing technology, and today, China surpasses Japan in terms of the power of the super-computers. In fact China surpasses Germany, they surpass the UK, they surpass France, and Germany in terms of super computing power. And if you look at the change that’s taken place, Chinese supercomputing, it’s on a path to really intersect with the US in the near future.

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