Portland Group Adds Support for CUDA in PGI 2011 Development Tools

This week the Portland Group released PGI 2011, a line of high-performance parallelizing compilers and development tools for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. PGI 2011 is the first general release to include full support for the PGI Accelerator programming model 1.2 specification on x64 processor-based systems incorporating NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPUs. In addition, the new PGI release includes a number of enhancements for multi-core x64 processor-based HPC systems.

New features and enhancements include support for the new Advanced Vector Extensions to the x64 instruction set architecture (AVX) in upcoming Intel Sandy Bridge and AMD Bulldozer CPUs, support for the Fortran 2003 language standard, enhancements in C++ performance through default fast exception handling and improved Boost C++ libraries support, OpenMP nested parallelism, new memory-hierarchy optimizations, debugger improvements including compact parallel register displays and tab-based sub-windows, and performance profiler enhancements to simplify browsing of multi-core profiles. The 2011 release also supports GPU performance profiling and benefits from revamped packaging for faster download and installation.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by insideHPC and Larry, Antonino Tumeo. Antonino Tumeo said: RT @insideHPC: Just in: Portland Group Adds Support for CUDA in PGI 2011 Development Tools http://bit.ly/h0OEIc […]