Flex Bits: HPC News with Snark for Friday, March 18, 2011

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Here are the HPC News Bits for March 18, 2011:

  • Full House for Big Data. The Structure Big Data show is almost SOLD OUT. The March 23 conference in New York has only 20 tickets left. Fortunately, sessions will be streamed live from the Conference Site.
  • Nuclear Option. According to KnoxNews, ORNL’s nuclear-simulation project could shift focus, depending on what happens next in Japan.
  • Taiwan: HPC’s Sleeping Dragon? Taiwan is getting ready to fire up a 170 Teraflop supercomputer from Acer this summer. Some say the ‘sleeping dragon’ is awakening in the world of high-performance computing.
  • SC11 Seeking Student Volunteers. Students, apply to volunteer for SC11 starting April 1, 2011. Perks: free registration, housing, meals, and travel money!


  1. Chris Baker says

    You have a typo in the URL for the Maxeler job posting above. You are missing the “h” in the “http://www.maxeler.com/content/careers/” so it can’t resolve “ttp://….”.

  2. Thanks for the shout-out to TACC and the NREL researchers. “Gas from Greens” – I wish I’d thought of that title.