LLNL opens HPC Innovation Center for Collaboration with Industry

Today Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory today announced the opening of the HPC Innovation Center (HPCIC), an initiative that aims to boost the nation’s economic competitiveness.

“The high performance computing innovation center opens a new era in Lawrence Livermore’s collaboration with universities and industry,” said LLNL Director George Miller. “We have a long history of mutually beneficial partnerships. These efforts will expand with the innovation center, which will create even greater opportunities for collaboration with corporate and academic partners to meet the nation’s important challenges through advances in science and technology.”

The innovation center is designed to facilitate collaboration, enabling industry to apply HPC to product design, development and manufacturing, and data managemen. Industries expected to benefit from the use of HPC range from aerospace, automotive and transportation to utilities, energy, health care, finance, materials manufacturing, nanotechnology and consumer electronics. Read the Full Story.