Video: Code Monkey – the Song


There are days when you need something to make you smile. For me, this was one of those days.

Here’s a song I filmed at the recent Portland Startup Weekend. I’m thinking we all know someone like the Code Monkey.

Readers point us to the original version by singer/songwriter John Colton. It’s available for download from his website. Funny stuff.


  1. Cute.. but I’ll stick with Jonathan Coulton’s original :

  2. If you post a code monkey video, you really need to post the original by Jonathan Coulton!

    Also, if you aren’t easily offended, be sure to check out the animated series. 😛

  3. Just FYI,
    Code Monkey is a JoCo (Jonathan Coulton) song and is available from his website at :

  4. entrepreneurinoregon says

    I loved Dev’s live performance of Code Monkey at the event. He made everyone smile and laugh. Of course it’s an original by Jonathan Coulton but so what…why post an original video by him when he wasn’t at the event. The 19 year old young man was awesome.