Dan Lyons writes that there is a growing need for people to run today’s powerful supercomputers.
Wu Feng, a professor of supercomputing at Virginia Polytechnic whose work focuses on small and mid-sized supercomputers, says companies are so hungry for talent that “I’ve even had different parts of a single company vying for my students. They’re in high demand.”
In a rather humorous slip, Lyons refers to the talent shortage as the “missing middle.” Maybe that’s why they’re missing. Read the Full Story.
It seems that the increased number of good paid jobs in China (and getting your own research-group) took back the Chinese students right after graduating from MIT. Also see this article from 2005: http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/1220/p01s01-ussc.html – many more engineers graduate in China and India. And the level of education goes up in those countries in contrast with Western countries.
As a bonus China tries to switch roles and offers 100.000 scholarships to American students: http://big5.fmprc.gov.cn/gate/big5/www.fmprc.gov.cn/ce/cgny/eng/xw/t815081.htm – expect more to come, as China has loads of money literally stacked up.
My guess is that the jobs gets done, but not in the EU or the USA.