In this video, Simone Melchionna, a researcher at the National Research Council’s Institute for Physico-Chemical Processes, presents: Petaflop Biofluidics Simulations on the TSUBAME 2.0 Supercomputer.
We present a computational framework for multi-scale simulations of real-life biofluidic problems and applied to the simulation of blood flow through the human coronary arteries with a spatial resolution comparable with the size of red blood cells, and physiological levels of hematocrit. The simulation on Tsubame 2.0 exhibits excellent scalability up to 4000 GPUs and achieves close to 1 Petaflop aggregate performance, which demonstrates the capability to predicting the evolution of biofluidic phenomena of clinical significance. The combination of novel mathematical models, computational algorithms, hardware technology and optimization will be discussed together with an application employed to assess the vulnerability of the coronary network to atherosclerotic plaque build-up to assist clinical decision.
Recorded at the GPU Technology Conference in Beijing on Dec. 14, 2011.