Newman and Layton: Looking Behind the Big Data Storage Buzz

Over at Enterprise Storage Forum, Henry Newman writes that he and Dell’s Jeff Layton are kicking off a series of features exploring the full hardware and softwares stacks surrounding Big Data.

You might be asking why a storage site is talking about compilers, debuggers and the like, and why would I want to read about this stuff? Good question — the answer is that we are going to be seeing a shift in our world from data-oriented processing to information-oriented processing. Everything is going to change, and we do not want our readers to go the way of the dinosaur. We believe that with this paradigm shift, it is critical to understand that major changes in how things are considered is starting to happen. Storage is part of the equation, but to be successful you will need to have a good understanding of not just storage but also the new operating environment and its requirements.

This is going to be good. Read the Full Story.