Part 2: ISC’12 News Blizzard

At insideHPC, we don’t seem much point in Xeroxing the myriad of press releases coming out of ISC’12. To bring you “HPC News Without the Noise,” here is a summary from Day 2 of the International Supercomputing Conference.

  • Eurotech announced an agreement with Nvidia to expand the company’s Aurora supercomputer product line with new energy-efficient, high-performance GPU-accelerated systems. The new systems are expected to deliver more than 500 teraflops of performance per rack and above 3.6 GFlops per watt.
  • Gnodal announced that the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is using their GS-Series switches to implement a virtualized computational system for global climate research.
  • OpenACC is quickly becoming one of the industry’s preferred parallel programming solutions for accelerators.  While Directives-based compilers have been available for Nvidia GPUs for a while now, support in the works for platforms from AMD and Intel.
  • PRACE in Europe has introduced alternative HPC architecture prototypes focused on Resilience, Node Accelerators, and Low-Power. While some results from this effort are directly applicable to current systems, others will affect the next generation of supercomputers.
  • Terascala announced a new software platform for easily deploying, managing, and optimizing high throughput storage solutions. Already, Dell and EMC are integrating the software into their storage products.
  • Whamcloud has released version 1.0 of their Chroma Enterprise management software for Lustre. Both DataDirect Networks and NetApp have already announced they are building Chroma Enterprise-based appliances.