Three New Supercomputers Go Online at Navy Defense Supercomputing Resources Center

The Navy DoD Supercomputing Resource Center (DSRC) recently added three new IBM iDataPlex supercomputers to its operations. Located at the John C. Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, all three machines are named after NASA astronauts who have served in the Navy. At a dedication ceremony in February, one of those computers was dedicated in honor of naval aviator and Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise, who attended the ceremony. The other two IBM systems are named for retired Navy Cmdr. Susan Still Kilrain, a naval aviator and space shuttle pilot, and retired Navy Capt. Eugene Cernan, a naval aviator and the last man to stepfoot on the moon.

Installation of the new systems expanded the installed supercomputing capability of the Navy DSRC, which now peaks at 866 trillion floating point operations (teraFLOPS) per second. Future upgrades are expected to further increase that capacity to 5,200 teraFLOPS by 2016.

The Navy DSRC provides unique value within our supercomputing system,” observed John West, HPCMP director. “In addition to serving the users from the research, development, test and evaluation communities of the department served by all of our centers, the Navy DSRC has a unique mission to assist the Navy in delivering wind, wave and other oceanographic forecasts to the fleet on a 24/7 basis. We are proud of the work of our partners, and the men and women of the Navy DSRC, that have brought this added capability online for the department.”

DSRC is one of the five supercomputing centers in the Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP). Currently Director of HPCMP, John West, pictured above, is the founder and former owner of insideHPC. Read the Full Story.