New TotalView Release Optimizes Code for Intel Xeon Phi

Today Rogue Wave Software rolled out a new version of their TotalView debugger featuring support for the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, Cray XC30 series supercomputers, and Apple OS X Lion and Mountain Lion platforms.

TotalView is a useful tool for optimizing code in our movement towards increasingly advanced and complex architectures. For codes developed on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor and other future architectures, thread control is going to be a particularly critical feature, and it is one that Rogue Wave’s TotalView offers,” stated Richard Barrett, Principal Member of the Technical Staff and leader of the Application Performance Modeling and Analysis Team within the Extreme-scale computing group at Sandia National Laboratories. “The consistency of TotalView 8.12 with previous versions meant that there was a quick learning curve for our teams.”

Deployed successfully at a number of strategic customer sites over the past six months, the early-access version of TotalView 8.12 has already helped a number of supercomputer centers port their codes to Intel Xeon Phi including the National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS) and Sandia National Laboratories.

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