Dell Closes HPC Cloud Deal at NCI in Australia

Dr Joseph Antony, NCI

Over at Datacenter Dynamics, Penny Jones writes that even as Dell’s shareholders prepare to meet in the US to decide the fate of the company, Dell continues business as usual with a AU$2million deal for Cloud HPC at the Australian National Computational Infrastructure (NCI).

The 3,200 core HPC compute cloud based on OpenStack will use floating-point optimized Intel CPUs, high performance Intel SSDs and fat-tree 55Gbps Mellanox Ethernet interconnect and will sit alongside the NCI petascale supercomputer and the National High Performance Data Node of the Research Data Storage Infrastructure (RDSI) initiative. It will be used for research into climate change, earth system science, geosciences and the environment, creating additional capacity for data processing and analysing, storage and the sharing of research materials.

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