How APAC Can Lead the Way to Exascale

Naveed Siraj

Naveed SirajOver at WCCF Tech, Intel’s Pakistan Country Manager Naveed Siraj writes that, with over a quarter of the world’s TOP500 HPC systems, APAC has the ability to lead the supercomputing world, but it must first map a true path to exascale success.

At Intel, we are working with organisations in Asia (and across the globe), to provide the answers through our ‘pathfinding’ platform. The process involves identifying the desired product development ‘path’ and setting clear objectives alongside it to keep everything on track. If countries in Asia are going to be successful in being the first to develop exascale systems, then technological breakthroughs are also going to be vital. An ability to increase processor performance is critical, which means developers must constantly look at ways to enhance memory technology, interconnect and integrate new functions into the processor, reduce power consumption, identify innovative cooling techniques, and identify new technologies delivering increased flexibility to software developers.

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