RIKEN to Host Exascale Supercomputer in 2020

AICS施設-articleThis week the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology selected RIKEN to develop a new exascale supercomputer. With a planned deployment in 2020, the new system is expected to keep Japan at the leading edge of computing science and technology.

In 2006 RIKEN embarked on the project to develop the K computer, which became fully operational in September 2012, thanks to the great efforts by all those involved,” said Kimihiko Hirao, Director of the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS). “The Exascale Supercomputer Project, which aims at realizing about 100 times the speed of the K computer, will require an even bigger effort and an ability to overcome greater challenges. We will devote our energy to this project based on our proven ability to plan and execute supercomputer development, and by further expanding our international center of excellence in the fields of computer science and computational science.

The new system will be about 100 times faster than the K computer, RIKEN’s currently operating machine, which in 2011 was ranked as the fastest supercomputer in the world. RIKEN was selected for the new project based on its experience developing and managing the K computer.

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