Radio Free HPC Looks at the RONNIEE Network Architecture


bubbleIn this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at the newly announced RONNIEE Network Architecture from A3 Cube. Rich Brueckner did a slidecast with their CTO last week, but Dan Olds and Henry Newman need to know more and see this thing for themselves.

Following that, the conversation veers off into a grab bag of tech news for the week:

  • Dan’s is still recovering from a rootkit that infected his business computer. We seem to recall that he was always backlogged before this happened, but we’ll let it slide.
  • This week, organizers of the International Supercomputing Conference promised better air-conditioning and WiFi for ISC’14 in Leipzig. “And there was much rejoicing.”
  • Henry is lamenting the lack of Google Fiber coming to Minnesota. Since Google tends to piggyback on the fastest Internet pipes, it looks like the state will forever be a third-world country in terms of bandwidth.
  • Rich is excited about the Outernet project, which hopes to launch a series of satellites that will provide free Internet connectivity worldwide to anyone who wants it.

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