Archives for April 2014

#HPC Matters: TACC Enters the SC14 Video Challenge

“High Performance Computing is fundamental to science and society, allowing scientists and researchers to push the boundaries of human knowledge and tackle the biggest challenges we face today. HPC matters because these challenges affect each and every one of us from where we live, to how we lead healthier lives, to how we protect people in the face of violent weather, changing climate, and unpredictable seismic activity. HPC matters because people matter.”

NCSA 2014 Private Sector Partner Annual Meeting

NCSA will host its 2014 Private Sector Partner Annual Meeting in Urbana, IL May 13-15.

This Week in HPC: The New Secure Data Appliance from Xyratex and the HPC Budget Map

In this episode of This Week in HPC, Michael Feldman and Addison Snell from Intersect360 Research look at the Secure Data Appliance from Xyratex. After that, the Dynamic Duo discusses the highlights of their new HPC Budget Map Report.

Cray’s John Lee on How Cluster Competitions Launch Careers

“We also discuss something I haven’t talked about before with anyone else – how students can best take advantage of this experience after the competition ends. What doors does their participation open? How they should best pursue positions in business, research, academia, or even with HPC vendors? In this interview, John Lee describes what Cray is looking for in new hires, and how SCC experience pays off for prospective job candidates in a wide variety of fields.”

Supercomputing: A Ground-Based Instrument for Exploration

“Named after the astronomical open star cluster of the same name, Pleiades, one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, represents NASA’s state-of-the-art technology for meeting the agency’s supercomputing requirements, enabling NASA scientists and engineers to conduct modeling and simulation for NASA missions.”

NSF is Seeking Proposals for Improving Software and Data Citation

NSF is seeking proposals that would explore new norms and practices in the research community for software and data citation and attribution.

Sean Hefty Presents: Scalable Fabric Interfaces

In this video from the OpenFabrics International Developer Workshop 2014, Sean Hefty from Intel presents: Scalable Fabric Interfaces. “The OFI Working Group Charter is to develop an extensible, open source framework and interfaces aligned with ULP and application needs for high-performance fabric services.”

5 Billion Core-Hours Up for Grabs: INCITE’s Call for Proposals

The winning INCITE proposals will receive awards of time on Mira, the 10-petaflops IBM Blue Gene/Q at the Argonne National Laboratory, and Titan, the 27-petaflops Cray XK7 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

New Networking Group: Women in HPC

The launch of the Women in High Performance Computing (WiHPC) network will include talks on the obstacles facing women in HPC and how to broaden participation.

Earthquake Simulation Breaks Petaflop Barrier on SuperMUC

A team of computer scientists, mathematicians and geophysicists have pushed the performance of the SeisSol earthquake simulation software on the SuperMUC computer at the Leibniz Supercomputing Center to beyond one petaflop, a factor of five improvement in speed.