A Look at the Top500 List Countries

Top500LogoOver at TOP500.org, Gary M. Johnson writes that a total of 58 countries have posted at least one flag in the past 42 editions of the Top500 List. And with the latest TOP500 list coming out on June 23, the race for the world’s fastest supercomputers has never been more diverse.

Ten countries have appeared in every edition, so let’s call them theTop500 Stalwarts: Australia (AU), Canada (CA), France (FR), Germany (DE), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), Sweden (SE), Switzerland (CH), United Kingdom (GB), United States (US). Of the remaining 39 countries, 20 have appeared more than half the time. Of those 19 with good but not perfect attendance, 11 countries have appeared more than about 75% of the time. We’ll call them theTop500 Enthusiasts: Belgium (BE), Brazil (BR), China (CN), Denmark (DK), Finland (FI), South Korea (KR), Netherlands (NL), Norway (NO), Saudi Arabia (SA), Spain (ES), Taiwan (TW).


Johnson notes that China, currently occupying the top spot on the list, and Saudi Arabia would just miss the Enthusiast category by each coming in at 74% attendance.

Stay tuned to insideHPC for live coverage of the TOP500 and more from ISC’14, starting June 22.