Over at the HPC-CH Blog, the Swiss Supercomputing Centre CSCS has published a set of Visualization and Graphics tutorials. Presented by Jean Favre from CSCS, the tutorial is broken up into two segments.
- Introduction, objectives
- Matplotlib, a python 2D data plotting library
- VTK Charts and Infovis: Introduction by example
- The Visualization Pipeline. Introduction
- Data formatting for 3D Visualization
- ParaView, an open-source turn-key 3D data visualizer
- ParaView-specific Features
- Parallel and client-server usage from the outside to CSCS
- Interactive sessions vs. batch-oriented scripting
- VisIt, an open-source turn-key 3D data visualizer
- VisIt-specific Features
- Parallel and client-server usage from the outside to CSCS
- Interactive sessions vs. batch-oriented scripting
- Customization via plugins for ParaView and VisIt
- In-situ Visualization
- Custom UIs and light-weight tools
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