HPC Events Piling up for the Remainder of 2014

hpc-logo-stackedSummer may be almost over, but the Fall HPC conference season is heating up. Here is a rundown of notable events coming around the corner.

Do you have an HPC event coming up? Be sure to fill up the seats by listing it on our insideHPC Events Calendar.



  1. Sharan Kalwani says

    What is interesting about this list is how dominant HPC conferences are outside of the US (which is a good thing IMHO). However their is definitely a need to also boost and highlight more HPC conferences in the US, since many US-based folks are not able to travel abroad due to much tighter budgetary restrictions.

  2. Don’t forget Slurm User Group Meeting in Lugano, Switzerland on September 23 and 24: http://slurm.schedmd.com/slurm_ug_agenda.html