Video: Time-Lapse Installation of Cielo Supercomputer at LANL

In this video, Los Alamos National Labs installs Cielo, the current stalwart of National Nuclear Security Administration capability computing. The 1.1 Petaflop Cray XE6 system is currently ranked #32 on the TOP500.

From the 1952 MANIAC to Bonanza deployed just this month, Los Alamos National Laboratory has deployed 100 supercomputers in the last 60 years – a showcase of high-performance computing history. “Computing power for our Laboratory’s national security mission is a huge part of our proud legacy, and it plays an integral role in our bold future,” says Laboratory Director Charlie McMillan. “The continued innovation and enhancement of this capability touches areas from stockpile stewardship, to global security simulation, to biological modeling, and even safety basis calculations. I look forward to our next 100 supercomputers and their impact on the nation.” These days, the Lab has 13 supercomputers, or “high performance computing clusters,” operating in both unclassified and classified environments. With names like Cielo, Lobo, Mustang and Moonlight, the work performed by Roadrunner has been shifted to other machines.

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