PRACE Opens 11th Call for Proposals

PRACE logoToday the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe issued their 11th Call for Proposals. By providing access to some of the fastest supercomputer in Europe, the Call for Proposals targets large-scale, computationally intensive projects that would not be possible or productive without access to PRACE resources.

More information on the 11th Call:

  • Includes Multi-year Access as well as a Data Storage Service Pilot.
  • Offers the opportunity to launch a pilot call for joint data storage services and resources.
  • Reserves 0.5% of the total resources available for the 11th Call for Centres of Excellence (CoE) as selected by the EC under the E-INFRA-5-2015 call for proposals. CoE don’t need to apply to this PRACE call – if funded by the EC, CoE requesting access to PRACE resources will be awarded PRACE resources from this reserve.
  • This Call will offer resources on the following systems:
    • FermiFERMI, an IBM Blue Gene/Q supercomputer operated by CINECA, Italy
    • MareNostrum, an IBM System x iDataPlex supercomputer operated by BSC, Spain
  • The Call will close on March 18, 2015.

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