In this video, three participants in past SC Student Cluster Competitions describe how the event gives them valuable hands-on experience and has served as a career pathway.
SC15 is excited to hold another nail-biting Student Cluster Competition, or SCC, now in its 9th year, as an opportunity to showcase student expertise in a friendly yet spirited competition. In this real-time, non-stop, 48-hour challenge, teams of undergraduate and/or high school students assemble a small cluster on the SC15 exhibit floor and race to complete a real-world workload across a series of applications and impress HPC industry judges. In the competition, teams of six (6) students partner with vendors to design and build a cutting-edge cluster from commercially available components that does not exceed a 3120-watt power limit (26-amp at 120-volt), and work with application experts to tune and run the competition codes.