Frank Baetke was recently elected by the EOFS Board to serve as the new chairman of the European Open File System organization. For his day job, Baetke is the HPC business development manager for academia and research at HP.
Founded in 2010, EOFS promotes the adoption and further development of open source parallel file systems with a special focus on European organizations, institutions and companies. The initial focus has been on Lustre but EOFS is also open to alternative parallel file systems. EOFS can be seen as a European counterpart to the US-based Open Scalable File Systems Inc. (OpenSFS). Both organizations are trusted stewards of the Lustre distributed file software community and will jointly manage
Baetke will also host HP-CAST user group meeting July 10-11 in Frankfurt, prior to ISC’15.
In related news, HP is now a full member of the European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing. ETP4HPC is an industry-led stakeholder organization that develops research agendas and areas for innovation and roadmaps for action at the EU. The ETP4HPC acts as the industrial counterpart to the European Commission in all HPC-related activities and maintains a key reference document called the EU HPC Strategic Research Agenda (SRA).