Video: Lustre Network (LNET) Router Configuration and Tuning

In this video from LUG 2015 in Denver, John Fragalla from Seagate presents: Lustre Network (LNET) Router Configuration and Tuning.

With many sites utilizing a single Lustre filesystem for multiple clusters connected on different networks, the use of Lustre Network (LNET) Routers is the most common solution used to interconnect these diverse clusters to a single Lustre filesystem. A frequent configuration is the use of LNET routers to bridge InfiniBand and Ethernet compute environments within a single InfiniBand Lustre filesystem. In this session, Seagate covers configuration guidelines and tuning of LNET Routing from InfiniBand to Ethernet using Lustre 2.1 through 2.6 server/clients as well demonstrating performance results by means of a synthetic benchmark called IOR. In addition, this presentation includes the topic of LNET Router failure and recovery during I/O as well as what environments can expect during these failure events.”

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