In this video from the 2015 Blue Waters Symposium, Donald J. Wuebbles from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign presents: Using Petascale Computing Capabilities to Address Climate Change Uncertainties.
This collaborative research between the University of Illinois, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and the University of Maryland is aimed at using the Blue Waters petascale resources to address key uncertainties associated with the numerical modeling of the Earth’s climate system and the ability to accurately analyze past and projected future changes in climate. During 2014 several present day (1979-2010) Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) experiments were conducted using atmospheric model (Community Atmosphere Model, version 5 – CAM5) resolution of 0.25o. These simulations revealed that the atmosphere/ocean coupling algorithm could be significantly improved by calculating air/sea fluxes on the higher-resolution atmosphere grid. Preliminary results of CAM5 simulations suggest that the global number of tropical storms and hurricanes per year will decrease in a warming climate. However, there are noticeable increases in the intensity of the most intense storms and therefore the frequency of the major hurricanes (category 4 and 5).
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