Video: Next-Gen Hurricane Prediction

ucarIn this video, Thomas Bogdan from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) hosts a Congressional Briefing on Next-generation Hurricane Prediction.

Since Hurricane Katrina made landfall in 20015, storm prediction technology has seen dramatic forward movement, from improved software to better use of observations and increased computing power – all aimed at giving emergency decision makers more time and specifics to help protect lives and property. The expert panelists in this Congressional Briefing outline research advances that have led to better forecasting of hurricane and tropical storm weather and impacts. And they spotlight research directions that hold promise for future improvements.


  • Shuyi Chen, Professor of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography,, Department of Ocean Sciences, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami
  • Sytske Kimball, Professor of Meteorology and Chair of the Department of Earth Sciences; Director, Center for Hurricane Intensity and Landfall Investigation; University of South Alabama
  • Christopher Davis, Senior Scientist and Director of the Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research

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