Sign up to Mentor a Student at SC15

studentsThe SC15 conference has asked us to reach out to our readers and encourage you to sign up for this year’s Mentor-Protégé Program. It’s as easy as checking a box when you register for the conference.

If you plan to attend SC15 in Austin, when you register consider signing up as a mentor to help students get the most out of the conference and make a difference in their careers. Organized as part of the Students@SC program, the Mentor-Protégé Program supports the growth of a vibrant HPC community by connecting the newcomers at the SC conference with experienced conference attendees. For many of the students, SC will be their first conference and can be an overwhelming experience. A mentor can help them make the best use of their time and make personal connections with the HPC community.

Conference attendees who have attended SC one or more times in the past are encouraged to sign up to be mentors by checking the appropriate box when they register for SC. Mentors will also choose their discipline on the form to help make the best matches. Mentors should plan their travel arrangements so they can attend a Monday afternoon mixer for mentors and protégés from 3:30-5 pm. Monday, Nov. 16.

The mentors share their experiences from previous SC conferences and their expertise in high performance computing with the student protégés participating in Student Volunteers, HPC for Undergraduates, the Student Cluster Competition, the Doctoral Showcase and the ACM Student Research Competition.

If you have already registered for SC15 and would like to be a mentor, write to

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