Call for Papers: Supercomputing Frontiers in Singapore

frontiersThe Supercomputing Frontiers 2016 conference has issued its Call for Papers. Held in conjunction of the launch of the new Singapore National Supercomputing Center, the event takes place March 15-18

Supercomputing Frontiers 2016 is Singapore’s annual international conference that provides a platform for thought leaders from both academia and industry to interact and discuss visionary ideas, important global trends and substantial innovations in supercomputing. You are invited to submit 4-page extended abstract by February 8, 2016.

The focus areas for this conference include but are not limited to: Exascale, Applications, Interconnects, Hardware and Future Architectures, Languages, InfiniCortex, Automata Processors.

Selected papers will be published in the International Journal of Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations.

Featured speakers include:

Horst Simon (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA) 

  • Bronis de Supinski (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA)
  • Srinivas Aluru (Georgia Institute of Technolgy)
  • Mircea Stan (University of Virginia)
  • Vern Brownell (President and Chief Executive Officer of D-Wave Systems)
  • Garrick Orchard (Temasek Laboratories and the Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology, Singapore)
  • Thomas Sohmers (Rex Computing)
  • Baroness Susan Greenfield (Oxford University, UK)
  • Roman Yampolski (University of Louisville)
  • Barbara Chapman (Stony Brook University)
  • Kathy Yelick (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
  • Alan Edelman (MIT)
  • WenMei Hwu (U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Andrew Sorenson (ANU, Australia)
  • Artur Binczewski (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre, Poland)
  • John Feo (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and University of Washington USA)
  • Michael Krajecki (University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA), France)
  • Patricia Kovatch (Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital, USA)
  • Diego Rossinelli (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
  • John Gustafson (A*CRC, Singapore)

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