Driving Innovation at the Hartree Centre with the OpenPOWER Architecture

In this video from the OpenPOWER Summit, Dr. Mike Ashworth from the STFC Hartree Centre presents: Driving Innovation at the Hartree Centre with the OpenPOWER Architecture.

“The STFC Hartree Centre has been established with a focus on economic impact through our collaborations with UK industry, offering access to HPC and data intensive systems, code development expertise and collaborative research opportunities. Through a major partnership with IBM we have been porting and evaluating our key application codes on the OpenPOWER architecture seeking to leverage performance and productivity gains for the benefit of our key customers. We will describe progress in porting and optimization of applications from a range of science areas.”


Dr. Mike Ashworth is Chief HPC Specialist in the Scientific Computing Department at STFC’s Daresbury Laboratory. He leads on the development and optimization of large-scale applications across a wide range of scientific disciplines, targeting high-performance systems including the evaluation and exploitation of novel architectures. Mike was one of the team which successfully attracted £56.5 million funding to establish the Hartree Centre at STFC and is involved in a range of projects especially focused on environmental, astrophysical and fluid flow simulations.

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