Video: Europe’s Fastest Supercomputer and the World Around It

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Michael Resch, HLRS

Michael Resch, HLRS

In this video from the HPC User Forum in Tucson, Michael Resch from HLRS presents: Europe’s Fastest Supercomputer and the World Around It.

“HLRS supports national and European researchers from science and industry by providing high-performance computing platforms and technologies, services and support. Supercomputer Hazel Hen, a Cray XC40 system, is at the heart of the HPC system infrastructure of the HLRS. With a peak performance of 7.42 Petaflops (quadrillion floating point operations per second), Hazel Hen is one of the most powerful HPC systems in the world (position 8 of TOP500, 11/2015) and is the fastest supercomputer in the European Union. The HLRS supercomputer, which was taken into operation in October 2015, is based on the Intel Haswell Processor and the Cray Aries network and is designed for sustained application performance and high scalability.”

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