Huazhong University of Science Student Cluster Team
In news from China this week, the Huazhong University of Science has won the ASC16 Student Cluster Challenge. The final round of the competition concluded Friday in Wuhan at the Central China University of Science.
With over 175 participating teams, the ASC16 is the world’s largest student cluster competition. In a race against time, student teams build HPC clusters and tune application codes to run with under 3000 watts of power.
“So many students together stimulate competition energy, which is very significant for the development of supercomputers,” said Jack Dongarra from the University of Tennessee, who was on hand to advise the proceedings.
ASC16 co-sponsored by the Asian Super Computer Association, the wave of the Group and Huazhong University of Science. ASC Supercomputer Contest sponsored by the Chinese, to promote competition between platforms by national and regional Supercomputer young talent exchange and training, to enhance the level of super-computing applications and research and development capabilities, to play supercomputing technology driving force to promote technological and industrial innovation.
Wow – 175 teams! Congratulations to all who qualified and participated. This event is an amazing opportunity and I hope there are many educational and employment opportunities for the participants. Welcome to the HPC community for those of you who choose to join us!