HPC Modernization Program Boosts Supercomputing at DoD

dodmodToday the Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program announced details of its fiscal year 2016 investment in supercomputing capability supporting the DOD science, engineering, test and acquisition engineering communities. The total life-cycle investment is valued at $63.7 million, including acquisition of three supercomputing systems with corresponding hardware and software maintenance services. With the addition of 10 petaFLOPS of computing capability, this procurement will increase the DOD HPCMP’s aggregate supercomputing capability to 31.1 petaFLOPS.

The three systems will collectively provide more than 233,000 compute cores, more than 890 terabytes of memory, and a total disk storage capacity of 43 petabytes. These supercomputers will serve users from all services and agencies of the department. Two of the HPCMP’s five DOD Supercomputing Resource Centers will receive systems as part of this procurement, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory DSRC in Aberdeen, Maryland, and the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center DSRC in Vicksburg, Mississippi.

This competitive government acquisition was executed through the U. S. Army Engineering and Support Center in Huntsville, Alabama, which selected systems from Silicon Graphics Federal, LLC and Cray, Inc.

The HPCMP provides the Department of Defense supercomputing capabilities, high-speed network communications and computational science expertise that enable DOD scientists and engineers to conduct a wide-range of focused research and development, test and evaluation, and acquisition engineering activities. This partnership puts advanced technology in the hands of U.S. forces more quickly, less expensively, and with greater certainty of success. Today, the HPCMP provides a comprehensive advanced computing environment for the DOD that includes unique expertise in software development and system design, powerful high performance computing systems, and a premier wide-area research network. The HPCMP is managed on behalf of the Department of Defense by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center located in Vicksburg, Mississippi.

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