Building SCinet at SC16: The World’s Fastest Network

scinetlogoIn this time-lapse video, a team of volunteers build the SCinet, the world’s fastest network at SC16.

The annual SC conference is the world’s largest gathering of Supercomputing professionals. With over 12,000 attendees, hundreds of research exhibits and a host of HPC vendors, connecting the conference with high bandwidth communications is the job of SCinet.

Created each year for the conference, SCinet brings to life a very high-capacity network that supports the revolutionary applications and experiments that are a hallmark of the SC conference. SCinet links the convention center to research and commercial networks around the world. In doing so, SCinet serves as the platform for exhibitors to demonstrate the advanced computing resources of their home institutions and elsewhere by supporting a wide variety of bandwidth-driven applications including supercomputing and cloud computing.

SCinet is a global collaboration of high-performance networking experts who provide the fastest and most powerful volunteer-built network in the world for the SC Conference. Over 200 volunteers participate remotely and in person for this giant undertaking.


Volunteers from educational institutions, high performance computing centers, network equipment vendors, U.S. national laboratories, research institutions, and research networks and telecommunication carriers work together to design and deliver the SCinet infrastructure. Industry vendors and carriers provide much of the equipment and services needed to build the local and wide area networks. Planning begins more than a year in advance of each SC Conference, and preparation activities culminate with a staging event in late October and a setup event just seven days before the conference begins.

Join the SCinet team. For more information contact

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