Russian RSC Group Becomes Elite Intel Lustre Reseller

Today RSC Group from Russia announced that the company has achieved highest Elite status in the Intel Solutions for Lustre Reseller Program. Only 9 Intel partners in Europe currently have this status.

Lustre-based storage systems are currently used in over 73% supercomputers in Top100 of the most powerful supercomputing systems in the world. Lustre supports management of up to 512 petabyte (PB) storage and file size up to 32 PB. Such systems can be accessed through high-speed interconnects based on Intel Omni-Path Architecture (OPA), InfiniBand and Ethernet technologies. Maximum throughput may exceed 2 terabytes per second.

Projects completed by RSC specialists with Lustre-based storage systems include supercomputers for the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great (SPbPU), South Ural State University (SUSU) and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). For example, “Polytechnic” data center in SPbPU includes a parallel data storage system based on Lustre distributed file system that can store up to 1 PB of data and a 0.5 PB block-based storage for cloud environments. Both storage systems use server technologies based on Intel products.

Russian customers use solutions based on RSC Tornado and RSC PetaStream ultra high dense, energy-efficient and liquid cooled HPC architectures in production environments since 2009 and 2013 accordingly. These solutions are installed and actively used for modeling and calculation of a broad range of scientific, research and industrial workloads by the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great, Joint Supercomputer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (JSCC RAS), South Ural State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Weather Forecast Agency (Roshydromet) and other customers from different industries.

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