Call for Papers: International Conference on HPC & Simulation in Genoa

The International Conference on HPC & Simulation has issued its Call for Papers. Also known as HPBench, the event place in July 17-21 in Genoa, Italy.

Benchmarking is an essential aspect of modern computational science, and as such, it provides a means for quantifying and comparing the performance of different computer systems. With a large combination of aspects to benchmark, all the way from the capability of a single core, to cluster configuration, and to various software configurations, the benchmarking process is more of an art than science. However, the results of this process, drive modern science and are vital for the community to draw sensible conclusions on the performance of applications and systems.

HPCS 2017 focuses on research work aimed at benchmarking modern parallel and distributed systems for addressing a number of real world problems.  As such, contributions concerning the definition of new open platforms, new benchmarks to match modern architectural evolutions, studies on the aspects of benchmarking different aspects of systems (from raw runtime performance to energy consumption to energy consumed per data movement) and mathematical foundations of benchmarking are sought.

The HPBench topics include:

  • Open Platforms for Parallel and Distributed Application Benchmarking and Optimization
  • Benchmarking on the Cloud
  • Benchmarking of Clusters, Supercomputers, and large-scale systems
  • Benchmarking the Performance of I/O
  • Benchmarking of Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • Benchmarking Web Services
  • Virtualization for Distributed Benchmarking
  • Data Distribution for Benchmarking
  • Performance results of benchmarks on modern platforms
  • Scalability Aspects of Benchmarking Parallel Applications on Parallel and Distributed Systems
  • Benchmarking of Parallel Scientific and Business Applications
  • Performance of Benchmarking Applications  (Eg: NAS parallel benchmarks)
  • Techniques, frameworks and results concerning the benchmarking of library packages
  • Tools and frameworks for performance modeling systems and applications
  • Tools and frameworks for simulation, measurement and monitoring
  • Performance Measurements, Monitoring, Modeling and Simulation
  • Domain-specific benchmarks and applications (such as image processing, pattern recognition, cryptography, biometrics, differential equation solvers, signal processing and alike)
  • Mathematical Foundations of Benchmarking, Metrics and Heuristics

Submissions are due April 20, 2017.

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