In this video from the 2017 GPU Technology Conference, Eliot Eshelman from Microway describes the company’s GPU expertise and wide range of accelerated HPC products.
“Since 1982, Microway has delivered high performance computing solutions. We have in-depth experience with demanding Linux-based scientific/engineering applications. Leveraging NVIDIA’s latest Tesla GPUs, our team will design a solution for your specific applications. Our experts ensure your system is delivered fully tested and ready to run!”
Tesla P100 GPUs are built upon NVIDIA’s latest “Pascal” architecture. Unlike previous generations, these GPUs are available in two flavors:
- SXM2 with NVLink – a new form factor specifically designed for speed and performance
- Standard PCI-Express – a cost-effective and backwards compatible GPU
Microway servers and clusters are available with both varieties. Our experts are available to assist you in determining which is best suited for your workloads and to customize the system for optimal performance. There are many choices, but our experts ensure you’ll receive the ideal configuration.”