Fernanda Foertter will serve as Vice Chair for the Special Interest Group in High Performance Computing (SIGHPC) Education Committee.
Today the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing (SIGHPC) announced that Fernanda Foertter from ORNL is the new Vice Chair of the organization’s Education Committee. In this position, Foertter will support the goals of SIGHPC Education to promote increased knowledge and greater interest in the educational and scientific aspects of HPC.
Organizations such as SIGHPC broadens our periphery of other individuals within the HPC field. By connecting with my peers, I can make better decisions about what kinds of HPC training are needed and desired both within and outside of our own lab,” Foertter said.
SIGHPC works to instantly connect individuals with their peers in the HPC community abroad. Offering peer-to-peer networking opportunities as well as a repository of HPC training materials, SIGHPC promotes the professional and academic development of the next generation of HPC experts.
Through the Education Committee of SIGHPC, seminars and trainings are offered on a number of topics ranging from the incorporation of HPC curriculum in high school classrooms to exploring the use of MOOCS (Massive Online Open Courses) and SPOCS (Small Private Online Courses) training in the realm of big data. These virtual training sessions allow HPC professionals to virtually connect and collaborate with their peers across the globe.
Through SIGHPC we can provide tools in HPC education for a variety of audiences, whether that’s for post-graduate and college students, or all the way down to high school and even kids. In doing so, we are working as a community invested in reducing the learning curve of the field and encouraging the exploration of HPC resources,” she said.