Today the European PRACE initiative announced that 46 Awards from their recent 15th Call for Proposals total up to nearly 1.7 thousand million core hours. The 46 awarded projects are led by principal investigators from 12 different European countries.
Of local interest this time around, the awarded projects involve co-investigators from the USA (7) and Russia (2). All information and the abstracts of the projects awarded under the 15th PRACE Call for Proposals are now available online.
The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe. This announcement brings the total number of projects awarded by PRACE to 570. Taking into account the two multi-year projects from the 13th Call that were renewed and the 8.6 million core hours reserved for Centres of Excellence, the total amount of computing time awarded by PRACE to date is nearly 16 thousand million core hours.
This Call was the second providing resources under the PRACE 2 Program, which was open to principal investigators from both Hosting Member and participating General Partner countries. In addition, resources remaining from the PRACE initial phase, also known as PRACE 1, were also allocated.
Among the newly awarded projects, six scientific domains are represented: 4 projects are linked to the fields of Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life Sciences; 18 to Chemical Sciences and Materials; 2 to Earth System Sciences; 8 to Engineering; 8 to Fundamental Constituents of Matter; and 6 to Universe Sciences.
The largest allocations were awarded on Piz Daint hosted by CSCS, Switzerland to proposals by Prof. Javier Jimenez of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (122.4 million core hours) and Dr. Thomas Kluge of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (109 million core hours). The former is in the domain of Engineering and focuses on simulations of wall-bounded flows and the latter is in the domain of Fundamental Constituents of Matter and focuses on 3D particle-in-cell simulations to better understand the fundamental principles of plasma dynamics.
Two PRACE-awarded projects are linked to the EU FET Graphene Flagship program. Charge Transport in Perovskite Solar Cells (CATNIP), which will be led by Prof. Feliciano Giustino, received 20 million core hours on MareNostrum hosted by BSC, Spain. Electronic and Optical Properties of High-Performance Monolayer and Multilayer Materials, which will be led by Prof. Nicola Marzari, received 30 million core hours on Marconi-KNL hosted by CINECA, Italy.
A collaboration between industry and academia was awarded 68.5 million core hours on MareNostrum hosted by BSC, Spain. The project will be led by Cenaero (Belgium, public/private R&D center in aeronautics/combustion) and will involve NUMECA International (Belgium and USA, private company in computational fluid dynamics), and the University of Bergamo, Italy.
Overall, PRACE 15th Call awarded resources to 8 ERC (5 Advanced, 2 Starting and 1 Consolidator), 1 COST Action, and 2 Marie Sklodowska Curie funded projects, 8 H2020 and 1 FP7 funded projects, 2 EC FET Flagship projects, 2 projects with links to the MaX Centre of Excellence, 1 project with links to the NOMAD Centre of Excellence and 2 projects with links to EUROfusion.
The 16th Call for Proposals for PRACE Project Access (tier-0) is now open and will run until Nov. 21, 2017.
The following systems will be available:
System | Architecture | Site (Country) | Core Hours(node hours) | Minimum request |
Curie and its successor Irene – SKL | Bull Bullx cluster / Bull Sequana (starting service in 2H 2018) | GENCI@CEA (FR) | 128 million(3.9 million) | 15 million core hours |
Irene – KNL | BULL Sequana (starting service in 2H 2018) | GENCI@CEA (FR) | 57 million(0.8 million) | 15 million core hours |
Hazel Hen | Cray XC40 System | GCS@HLRS (DE) | 70 million(2.9 million) | 35 million core hours |
Juqueen successor | Multicore cluster | GCS@JSC (DE) | 70 million (tbd) |
35 million core hours |
Marconi-Broadwell | Lenovo System | CINECA (IT) | 36 million(1 million) | 15 million core hours |
Marconi-KNL | Lenovo System | CINECA (IT) | 442 million(6.5 million) | 30 million core hours |
MareNostrum | Lenovo System | BSC (ES) | 475 million(10 million) | 15 million core hours |
Piz Daint | Cray XC50 System | CSCS (CH) | 510 million(7.5 million) | 68 million core hoursUse of GPUs |
SuperMUC | IBM System X iDataplex/ Lenovo NextScale | GCS@LRZ (DE) | 105 million(6.6 million) | 35 million core hours |
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