Atos will soon deploy a Bull supercomputer at the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG) in Barcelona for large-scale DNA sequencing and analysis. To support the vast process and calculation demands needed for this analysis, CNAG-CRG worked with Atos to build this custom-made analytics platform, which helps drive new insights ten times faster than its previous HPC system. “Atos helped us to set up a robust platform to conduct in-depth high-performance data analytics on genome sequences, which is the perfect complement to our outstanding sequencing platform”, stated Ivo Gut, CNAG-CRG Director.
Atos Powers Tera 1000 Supercomputer
Today Atos announced that the company has successfully deployed Tera 1000, the most powerful European general-purpose supercomputer with a computing power of 25 petaflops and a very competitive power consumption of only 4 megawatts. “This spot in the top-500 ranking reflects the successful collaboration between Atos and the CEA, and is one of the best examples of Atos’ technological excellence in high-performance computing.”
Atos to Deploy 12 Petaflop Supercomputer at Jülich in Germany
Today Atos announced has a contract to deliver its a 12 Petaflop supercomputer to Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany. The BullSequana X1000 machine will be Germany’s fastest supercomputer and one the most powerful computers in the world. “Among numerous other activities, the BullSequana will be used in research for the Human Brain Project, which has as its goal to improve the understanding of the processes in the human brain through simulation.”
PRACE Awards 1.7 Thousand Million Core Hours for Research Projects in Europe
Today the European PRACE initiative announced that 46 Awards from their recent 15th Call for Proposals total up to nearly 1.7 thousand million core hours. The 46 awarded projects are led by principal investigators from 12 different European countries. “Of local interest this time around, the awarded projects involve co-investigators from the USA (7) and Russia (2). All information and the abstracts of the projects awarded under the 15th PRACE Call for Proposals are now available online.”
Atos to Build 4.3 Petaflop Bull Sequana Supercomputer for AWE in the UK
Today Atos announced that a new Bull Sequana supercomputer will enable high-performance computing solutions to boost next-generation scientific modeling for the UK defense organization. The new system will feature a single Bull Sequana x1000 supercomputer with a theoretical peak performance of 4.3 Petaflops. The Bull Sequana supercomputer uses the latest generation of direct-liquid cooling to enable the densest and most energy-efficient platform in the industry with the system to be installed using the latest Mellanox EDR interconnect and a high performance Seagate Lustre storage appliance offering around 100 Gigabytes per second of I/O performance.
Atos to Build 9 Petaflop Supercomputer for GENCI
Today Atos announced that the company has won a contract with GENCI to deliver one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world, planned for the end of 2017. A successor of the Curie system installed at the TGCC, the Bull Sequana supercomputer will have an overall power of 9 petaflops for research purposes in France and Europe.
Slidecast: BXI – Bull eXascale Interconnect
“The interconnect is going to be a key enabling technology for exascale systems. This is why one of the cornerstones of Bull’s exascale program is the development of our own new-generation interconnect. The Bull eXascale Interconnect or BXI introduces a paradigm shift in terms of performance, scalability, efficiency, reliability and quality of service for extreme workloads.”
Agenda Posted for June Teratec Forum in France
The TERATEC Forum has posted their Agenda for their upcoming June meeting. With technical workshops, plenary sessions and a vendor exhibit, the event takes place June 27-28 at the Ecole Polytechnique campus in Palaiseau, France. “Our objective is to bring together all decision makers and experts in the field of digital simulation and Big Data, from the industrial and technological world and the world of research.”
Atos Bullion Breaks Record for SPEC Performance
Today Atos announced record SPEC benchmark performance on its bullion x86 servers. Performed with a 16-socket configuration, this benchmark demonstrates that the high-end enterprise bullion x86 servers perform at exceptional levels and thus the most powerful in the world in terms of speed and memory.
Video: State of Linux Containers
“Linux Containers gain more and more momentum in all IT ecosystems. This talk provides an overview about what happened in the container landscape (in particular Docker) during the course of the last year and how it impacts datacenter operations, HPC and High-Performance Big Data. Furthermore Christian will give an update/extend on the ‘things to explore’ list he presented in the last Lugano workshop, applying what he learned and came across during the year 2016.”