In this video from the 2017 HPC Advisory Council Stanford Conference, Christian Kniep from Gaikai presents: Best Practices: State of Linux Containers.
“Linux Containers gain more and more momentum in all IT ecosystems. This talk provides an overview about what happened in the container landscape (in particular Docker) during the course of the last year and how it impacts datacenter operations, HPC and High-Performance Big Data. Furthermore Christian will give an update/extend on the ‘things to explore’ list he presented in the last Lugano workshop, applying what he learned and came across during the year 2016.”
Christian Kniep seeks applications in the nebulous world of DevOps. He is currently enjoying exploration of emerging trends and new technologies, often containerizing them firRooted in HPC, supporting CAE applications and VR installations, in Germany’s automotive industry Kniep became known as the InfiniBand go-to-guy. Kniep pivoted from operating his 4000 node crash-test cluster to R&D to explore Bull’s BXI interconnect. While attending a conference and told by a fellow attendee that HPC “cannot learn anything from the emerging Cloud and Big Data companies” Kniep abandoned more than a decade of traditional HPC, boldly leaping into a fascinating new area and now leads the containerization effort underway at Sony Interactive Entertainment subsidiary Gaikai Inc.