Slidecast: BXI – Bull eXascale Interconnect

Jean-Pierre Panziera

In this slidecast, Jean-Pierre Panziera from Atos presents: BXI – Bull eXascale Interconnect.

“Exascale entails an explosion of performance, of the number of nodes/cores, of data volume and data movement. At such a scale, optimizing the network that is the backbone of the system becomes a major contributor to global performance. The interconnect is going to be a key enabling technology for exascale systems. This is why one of the cornerstones of Bull’s exascale program is the development of our own new-generation interconnect. The Bull eXascale Interconnect or BXI introduces a paradigm shift in terms of performance, scalability, efficiency, reliability and quality of service for extreme workloads.”

The BXI fabric is highly scalable (up to 64.000 nodes for the first version), it features:

  • High-speed links (100 Gb/s/s)
  • High message rate (>100 M msg/s)
  • Minimal memory footprint and low latency components

Jean-Pierre Panziera is the Chief Technology Director for HPC at Atos, where he is responsible for future HPC developments. He started his career at Elf-Aquitainer as a developer for seismic processing. He then worked for 20 years at SGI, first as an HPC application specialist and then as a Chief Engineer. Jean-Pierre holds an engineer degree from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris.

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