From left, Henry Newman, Dan Olds, Shahin Khan, and Rich Brueckner are the Radio Free HPC team
Not Invited Back for 2018:
- Henry want to see an end to Swatting.
- Dan wants to see an end to IEEE Floating-Point Arithmetic
- Rich is not inviting PEZY back since their CEO got arrested for padding expense reports and bilking the Japanese government.
2018 Resolutions:
Shahin is not inviting back Fake News. Here he shares his resolutions for better social media:
- Recognize that sharing is a reward, so keep that in mind. Don’t publicize what doesn’t deserve publicity.
- Fact check before you share.
- Welcome high quality disagreement
Dan resolves to do the following in 2018:
- Stop inserting incorrect statements into the Wikipedia
- He also resolves to come up with better excuses.
- To keep life interesting, he plans to start expect more from people, especially strangers.