Radio Free HPC does their List of Things Not Invited Back in 2018


From left, Henry Newman, Dan Olds, Shahin Khan, and Rich Brueckner are the Radio Free HPC team

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team reviews their list of things Not Invited Back in 2018. Along the way, they share some of their New Year Resolutions.

Not Invited Back for 2018:

  • Henry want to see an end to Swatting.
  • Dan wants to see an end to IEEE Floating-Point Arithmetic
  • Rich is not inviting PEZY back since their CEO got arrested for padding expense reports and bilking the Japanese government.

2018 Resolutions:

Shahin is not inviting back Fake News. Here he shares his resolutions for better social media:

  1. Recognize that sharing is a reward, so keep that in mind. Don’t publicize what doesn’t deserve publicity.
  2. Fact check before you share.
  3. Welcome high quality disagreement

Dan resolves to do the following in 2018:

  • Stop inserting incorrect statements into the Wikipedia
  • He also resolves to come up with better excuses.
  • To keep life interesting, he plans to start expect more from people, especially strangers.

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