Video: Intel and NVIDIA at Congressional Hearing on Artificial Intelligence

In this video, Information Technology Subcommittee Chairman Will Hurd begins a three-part hearing on Artificial Intelligence. The IT Subcommittee will identify and define criteria to guide government understanding and adoption of AI.

Over the next three months, the IT Subcommittee will hear from industry professionals as well as government stakeholders with the goal of working together to keep the United States the world leader in artificial intelligence technology,” said Chairman Hurd.

“We thank IT Subcommittee Chairman Will Hurd for holding this important series of hearings. Artificial intelligence technology is rapidly developing, and it is critical that we ensure our workforce and government are poised to take advantage of the significant benefits that it will bring. These hearings will be very helpful in laying the groundwork for smart AI policies,” said Mr. Gary Shapiro, President and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association.


  • To increase understanding of artificial intelligence.
  • To discuss development, uses, barriers to adoption and potential challenges and advantages of government use of artificial intelligence.

While artificial intelligence is increasingly cited as the great fear or hope for future generations, few in the public or private sector have a clear understanding of it. Government adoption of artificial intelligence has the potential to vastly increase security as well as time and cost effectiveness. Many sovereign nations are making investments in artificial intelligence, making the United States’ competitiveness on artificial intelligence a national security and global competitiveness issue.

Ian Buck from NVIDIA

Witness statements:

  • Dr. Amir Khosrowshahi, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Artificial Intelligence Products Group, Intel
  • Dr. Charles Isbell, Senior Associate Dean, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Oren Etzioni, Chief Executive Officer, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
  • Dr. Ian Buck, Vice President and General Manager, Tesla Data Center Business, NVIDIA

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