Job of the Week: Performance Engineer at Oak Ridge National Lab

Oak Ridge National Lab in Knoxville, Tennessee is seeking a Performance Engineer in our Job of the Week.

We are seeking to build a team of Performance Engineers who will serve as liaisons between the National Center for Computational Sciences and the users of the NCCS leadership computing resources, particularly Exascale Computing Project application development teams and will collaborate with the ECP application teams as they ready their software applications for the OLCF Exascale computer Frontier. These positions reside in the Scientific Computing Group in the National Center for Computational Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

The National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) in the Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is currently seeking to hire a team of up to 5 Performance Engineers with deep expertise in both high-performance computing architectures and programming models and experience collaborating directly with scientific software teams. In this role, you will serve as a liaison between the National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) and the users of the NCCS leadership computing resources, particularly Exascale Computing Project application development teams. You will also be expected to develop, apply, and publish innovative ways to advance scientific knowledge using ORNL’s world-class computational resources.

Major Duties/Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate directly with application scientists to develop, integrate, port, and tune application software, as well as develop new approaches and algorithms to take full advantage of the capabilities of the NCCS leadership computing environment.
  • Represent the needs of the application developers in NCCS planning and decision-making.
  • Work closely with the NCCS leadership computing user community as partners with projects to exploit the resources of the NCCS effectively and efficiently. This includes partnering with large user program projects in moving data and programs into and out of the NCCS computational environment, developing, porting, and scaling applications and algorithms for NCCS computers, tuning applications for high performance, and scheduling applications to execute at scale to meet the scientific capability needs of the users.
    Interact with NCCS systems, storage and networking groups to understand the needs and schedules of the various domain application groups.
  • Assist in capability planning exercises and in defining requirements for, and assisting in the development of system software, libraries and tools that meet the application communities’ needs.
  • Participate in high-performance-computing community-wide efforts to design new methodologies, workflows, tools, and other contributions that will advance the state of the art in computational science.
  • Where appropriate, write proposals and conduct research to determine the best way to approach tools, libraries, emerging methods and workflows, as well as optimal paths forward for application development on future NCCS resources and publish these results in the computer science and computational science literature.
  • Participate in appropriate computer science research proposals with ORNL and external collaborators that allow for the conduct of scientific research that will be reported on in journals, technical manuals, and conferences
  • Maintain membership in professional, academic, and research societies.

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